Selasa, 26 Juli 2011
Rabu, 20 Juli 2011
Belajar Bisnis PTC Dan Bisnis Online Lainnya
Arti Bisnis PTC | Belajar Bisnis PTC Dan Bisnis Online Lainnya
Arti Bisnis PTC
PTC atau Paid To Click adalah sebuah bisnisdi Internet yang bertujuan mempertemukan antara advertiser dengan para calon pembelinya. Jika anda memiliki produk barang atau jasa yang ingin dipasarkan maka disini anda berperan sebagai advertisernya. Sedangkan jika anda bertindak sebagai pembaca / pengklik iklan maka disini anda berperan sebagai calon pembelinya. Advertiser harus membayarkan sejumlah uang agar iklan mereka bisa dipasang pada sebuah situs PTC. Uang dari advertiser ini nantinya akan dibagi2, yaitu untuk pemilik situs PTC dan untuk kliker / orang yangmeng klik iklan tersebut. Biasanya pengklik iklan akan mendapatkan komisi mulai dari Rp. 25,- sampai Rp. 200,- atau $0.0025 – $0.02 per klik iklan tergantung dari jenis
keanggotaan mereka.
Skemanya kurang lebih seperti ini :
Advertiser memasang iklan - Advertiser membayar - Anda mengklik iklan - Anda dibayar
Apakah Pendaftarannya Gratis ?
Iya. Saat pertama kali anda mendaftar di PTC manapun anda tidak akan dikenakan beban biaya apapun. Justru anda akan dibayar karena pemilik PTC memerlukan jasa anda untuk mengklik iklan para advertiser.
Keanggotaan / Member Upgrade ?
Sebenarnya sistem ini tidak mutlak harus dimiliki oleh sebuah PTC, sistem ini biasanya diterapkan oleh pemilik PTC yang ingin memperoleh pendapatan tambahan di luar uang yang diperoleh dari advertiser. Pada sistem ini, admin / pemilik PTC bertindak sebagai penggalang dana dan member PTC bertindak sebagai investor. Anda tidak diwajibkan untuk berinvestasi di sebuah PTC. Hanya jika anda ingin mengembangkan uang yang anda miliki dan merasa yakin baru anda sebaiknya mengikuti program upgrade keanggotaan ini. Dana yang terkumpul dari para investor / member upgrade nantinya akan dikembangkan di berbagai macam bisnis online maupun offline tergantung kebijakan dari masing-masing admin PTC.
Bagaimana Anda dibayar ?
Ini tergantung jenis PTC yang anda ikuti. Jika anda mengikuti PTC lokal Indonesia maka anda akan dibayar melalui transfer rekening Bank lokal. Jika anda mengikuti PTC luar negeri / Internasional maka pembayarannya juga menggunakan E-Payment yang bersifat internasional seperti: Paypal, Alertpay, Liberty Reserve, dsb.
Bukti Pembayarannya Bisa anda lihat disini :
PembayaranDbclix| PembayaranIDR-clickit| PembayaranIndostarbux
Bisakah Anda memperoleh pendapatan tambahan ?
Bisa. Selain dari hasil klik sendiri, anda juga bisa mencari pendapatan tambahan dengan upgrade keanggotaan, menyewa referral yang disediakan PTC ( referral sewa ) atau mencarinya sendiri( referral langsung ). Upgrade keanggotaan( membership ) dan menyewa referral akan dikenakan biaya, sedangkan jika anda mencari referral sendiri tidak akan dikenakan biaya. Untuk setiap klik iklan dari referral anda, anda juga akan mendapatkan komisi. Besar komisi berbeda untuk tiap - tiap PTC. Biasanya kisarannya sekitar Rp. 25,- sampai Rp. 100,- atau $0.0025 sampai $0.01 per klik iklan tergantung jenis keanggotaan anda.
Ada berapa PTC yang bisa anda ikuti ?
Sangat banyak, bahkan jika anda bersungguh - sungguh menekuni bisnis ini, ini bisa jadi income tambahan yang besar. Daftar PTC Lokal bisa dilihat disini,
PTC internasional / luar negeri bisa dilihat di sini.
Istilah - istilah yang sering dipakai di Bisnis PTC:
1. Referrer / upline : Adalah orang yang mensponsori kita bergabung di sebuah PTC menggunakan link affiliasinya.
2. Referral / downline : adalah orang yang kita rekrut atau ajak bergabung di PTC melalui link affiliasi kita.
3. LinkaffiliasI : adalah link khusus untuk merekrut member - member baru (DR), biasanya terletak di halaman akun anda.
4. Banner affiliasi : adalah banner khusus untuk merekrut member - member baru (DR), biasanya terletak di halaman akun anda.
5. DR (direct referral) : Referral yang langsung kita rekrut melalui link affiliasi kita atau sering disebut referral langsung.
6. RR (rented referral) : referral yang disediakan oleh pihak PTC untuk kita sewa.
7. RH (renting hours) : jam - jam sewa p aket RR. Biasanya di sebuah PTC yang memberlakukan sistem upgrade keanggotaan, paket RR hanya tersedia pada jam - jam tertentu. Biasanya RH dibuka 4 kali dalam sehari (misalnya pukul 4.30, 11.30, 16.30, 23.30 dsb). Istilah renting hours biasanya sering disebut jamnya rebutan RR.
8. RQ ( rental queue ) : alternatif mendapatkan RR selain rebutan di renting hours.
9. Upgrade : Meningkatkan level keanggotaan untuk memperoleh berbagai kelebihan dan kemudahan dari suatu PTC.
10. Recycle : Menukar RR yang kita sewa dengan yang baru. Biasanya ini dilakukan kepada RR yang tidak aktif klik dalam jangka waktu yang lama.
11. PO ( Payout ) / Cashout : Menarik saldo / hasil klik iklan ke payment processor anda ( paypal atau alertpay atau rek. bank anda, dsb ).
12. Pending : Proses pembayaran / PO yang tertunda.
13. Payment processor : alat pembayaran, spt bank lokal, paypal, alertpay, western union, cek, dll.
14. AVG (average) : Jumlah klik rata - rata referral anda perhari ( jumlah klik harian / jumlah referral ).
15. Autopay : Memperpanjang sewa RR secaraharian. Pada dasarnya perpanjangan sewa RR adalah hitungan bulan, namun autopay menawarkan harian.
Mengaktifkan fitur autopay akan memberikan menghemat biaya perpanjangan RR kita hingga 10%.
16. Admin : Pemilik sebuah PTC.
17. Moderator : Orang - orang yang dipercaya admin untuk mengurus PTC. Biasanya mereka aktif di forum PTC.
18. Scam : Bisnis yang berakhir atau memang bertujuan menipu. Dalam bisnis PTC istilah ini sangat populer karena banyak situs PTC yang berakhir scam. Biasanya disebabkan oleh kebangkrutan karena kurang bagusnya pengelolaan dana investor.
19. Legit : PTC yang sangat - sangat terpercaya karena mampu bertahan sangat lama di tengah ketatnya persaingan bisnis PTC. Di Indonesia sendiri ada 2 PTC besar yang sudah dianggap legit, yaitu IDR-clickit dan Dbclix
Arti Bisnis PTC | Belajar Bisnis PTC Dan Bisnis Online Lainnya
Other Link !
Arti Bisnis PTC
PTC atau Paid To Click adalah sebuah bisnisdi Internet yang bertujuan mempertemukan antara advertiser dengan para calon pembelinya. Jika anda memiliki produk barang atau jasa yang ingin dipasarkan maka disini anda berperan sebagai advertisernya. Sedangkan jika anda bertindak sebagai pembaca / pengklik iklan maka disini anda berperan sebagai calon pembelinya. Advertiser harus membayarkan sejumlah uang agar iklan mereka bisa dipasang pada sebuah situs PTC. Uang dari advertiser ini nantinya akan dibagi2, yaitu untuk pemilik situs PTC dan untuk kliker / orang yangmeng klik iklan tersebut. Biasanya pengklik iklan akan mendapatkan komisi mulai dari Rp. 25,- sampai Rp. 200,- atau $0.0025 – $0.02 per klik iklan tergantung dari jenis
keanggotaan mereka.
Skemanya kurang lebih seperti ini :
Advertiser memasang iklan - Advertiser membayar - Anda mengklik iklan - Anda dibayar
Apakah Pendaftarannya Gratis ?
Iya. Saat pertama kali anda mendaftar di PTC manapun anda tidak akan dikenakan beban biaya apapun. Justru anda akan dibayar karena pemilik PTC memerlukan jasa anda untuk mengklik iklan para advertiser.
Keanggotaan / Member Upgrade ?
Sebenarnya sistem ini tidak mutlak harus dimiliki oleh sebuah PTC, sistem ini biasanya diterapkan oleh pemilik PTC yang ingin memperoleh pendapatan tambahan di luar uang yang diperoleh dari advertiser. Pada sistem ini, admin / pemilik PTC bertindak sebagai penggalang dana dan member PTC bertindak sebagai investor. Anda tidak diwajibkan untuk berinvestasi di sebuah PTC. Hanya jika anda ingin mengembangkan uang yang anda miliki dan merasa yakin baru anda sebaiknya mengikuti program upgrade keanggotaan ini. Dana yang terkumpul dari para investor / member upgrade nantinya akan dikembangkan di berbagai macam bisnis online maupun offline tergantung kebijakan dari masing-masing admin PTC.
Bagaimana Anda dibayar ?
Ini tergantung jenis PTC yang anda ikuti. Jika anda mengikuti PTC lokal Indonesia maka anda akan dibayar melalui transfer rekening Bank lokal. Jika anda mengikuti PTC luar negeri / Internasional maka pembayarannya juga menggunakan E-Payment yang bersifat internasional seperti: Paypal, Alertpay, Liberty Reserve, dsb.
Bukti Pembayarannya Bisa anda lihat disini :
PembayaranDbclix| PembayaranIDR-clickit| PembayaranIndostarbux
Bisakah Anda memperoleh pendapatan tambahan ?
Bisa. Selain dari hasil klik sendiri, anda juga bisa mencari pendapatan tambahan dengan upgrade keanggotaan, menyewa referral yang disediakan PTC ( referral sewa ) atau mencarinya sendiri( referral langsung ). Upgrade keanggotaan( membership ) dan menyewa referral akan dikenakan biaya, sedangkan jika anda mencari referral sendiri tidak akan dikenakan biaya. Untuk setiap klik iklan dari referral anda, anda juga akan mendapatkan komisi. Besar komisi berbeda untuk tiap - tiap PTC. Biasanya kisarannya sekitar Rp. 25,- sampai Rp. 100,- atau $0.0025 sampai $0.01 per klik iklan tergantung jenis keanggotaan anda.
Ada berapa PTC yang bisa anda ikuti ?
Sangat banyak, bahkan jika anda bersungguh - sungguh menekuni bisnis ini, ini bisa jadi income tambahan yang besar. Daftar PTC Lokal bisa dilihat disini,
PTC internasional / luar negeri bisa dilihat di sini.
Istilah - istilah yang sering dipakai di Bisnis PTC:
1. Referrer / upline : Adalah orang yang mensponsori kita bergabung di sebuah PTC menggunakan link affiliasinya.
2. Referral / downline : adalah orang yang kita rekrut atau ajak bergabung di PTC melalui link affiliasi kita.
3. LinkaffiliasI : adalah link khusus untuk merekrut member - member baru (DR), biasanya terletak di halaman akun anda.
4. Banner affiliasi : adalah banner khusus untuk merekrut member - member baru (DR), biasanya terletak di halaman akun anda.
5. DR (direct referral) : Referral yang langsung kita rekrut melalui link affiliasi kita atau sering disebut referral langsung.
6. RR (rented referral) : referral yang disediakan oleh pihak PTC untuk kita sewa.
7. RH (renting hours) : jam - jam sewa p aket RR. Biasanya di sebuah PTC yang memberlakukan sistem upgrade keanggotaan, paket RR hanya tersedia pada jam - jam tertentu. Biasanya RH dibuka 4 kali dalam sehari (misalnya pukul 4.30, 11.30, 16.30, 23.30 dsb). Istilah renting hours biasanya sering disebut jamnya rebutan RR.
8. RQ ( rental queue ) : alternatif mendapatkan RR selain rebutan di renting hours.
9. Upgrade : Meningkatkan level keanggotaan untuk memperoleh berbagai kelebihan dan kemudahan dari suatu PTC.
10. Recycle : Menukar RR yang kita sewa dengan yang baru. Biasanya ini dilakukan kepada RR yang tidak aktif klik dalam jangka waktu yang lama.
11. PO ( Payout ) / Cashout : Menarik saldo / hasil klik iklan ke payment processor anda ( paypal atau alertpay atau rek. bank anda, dsb ).
12. Pending : Proses pembayaran / PO yang tertunda.
13. Payment processor : alat pembayaran, spt bank lokal, paypal, alertpay, western union, cek, dll.
14. AVG (average) : Jumlah klik rata - rata referral anda perhari ( jumlah klik harian / jumlah referral ).
15. Autopay : Memperpanjang sewa RR secaraharian. Pada dasarnya perpanjangan sewa RR adalah hitungan bulan, namun autopay menawarkan harian.
Mengaktifkan fitur autopay akan memberikan menghemat biaya perpanjangan RR kita hingga 10%.
16. Admin : Pemilik sebuah PTC.
17. Moderator : Orang - orang yang dipercaya admin untuk mengurus PTC. Biasanya mereka aktif di forum PTC.
18. Scam : Bisnis yang berakhir atau memang bertujuan menipu. Dalam bisnis PTC istilah ini sangat populer karena banyak situs PTC yang berakhir scam. Biasanya disebabkan oleh kebangkrutan karena kurang bagusnya pengelolaan dana investor.
19. Legit : PTC yang sangat - sangat terpercaya karena mampu bertahan sangat lama di tengah ketatnya persaingan bisnis PTC. Di Indonesia sendiri ada 2 PTC besar yang sudah dianggap legit, yaitu IDR-clickit dan Dbclix
Arti Bisnis PTC | Belajar Bisnis PTC Dan Bisnis Online Lainnya
Other Link !
Selasa, 19 Juli 2011
Increase your Website Ranking on Google, Improve Web Traffic and Sales
We rank your Website Ad in the Top5 in Google in 2 weeks.
Next we optimize your Website Sales in less than 6 weeks.
Our Specialization: Website ROI Optimization.
Digital Marketing: how to achieve Website Sales fast....
From Branding to Personalization
The advertising standard for many years has been Branding; flooding consumers with ads on TV, Radio and in newspapers, magazines and movies. Over time, people got blind to those ads, and used (and still use) the TV commercial breaks to go to the toilet or get a beer. Newspaper and magazine ads are closer looked at, but are still bulk-marketed; with one ad fitting all.
Nowadays, TV, movie and magazine content is online; 24/7 available, "on demand", personalized and ubiquitous (at any place, also on the smartphone).
This presents tremendous opportunities for advertisers. Ads can be focussed now per user community, time of day, country, language, demographics, and, most important, location.
How to reach the ideal customer and get maximum advertising ROI
Global EMarketing Solutions uses 3 means to reach potential customers in an ad campaign. These 3 means can be used separately, but work best together, as they complement eachother in time; we call it the Digital Marketing Triad.
In the Digital Marketing Triad (see the logo at the top of the page), there are 3 timelines involved regarding website ranking and ROI:
Achieve Fast Sales in 2-6 weeks, and ROI in 3 months, via PPC.
The main PPC (Pay Per Click) platform used by most advertisers is Google Adwords. Google Adwords allows campaign targeting in any language, any country (even city), at any time-window per day, for any budget on, Google local, and many Google partner (Google Display Network) sites. Ads can be in textform, picture format, or video format. Campaigns can be set up in less then 2 weeks (allowing 1 week for competitor and keyword analysis). Ads can run on any specified top position in the google "sponsored links" section. ROI of correctly set up adwords campaigns can be as little as 3 months.
We created over 400 adwords campaigns for our customers, since 2003. We also created over 50 YSM (Yahoo Search Marketing), and a dozen of MSN Adcenter PPC campaigns. Greatest advantage of PPC is that a top ranking ad can be achieved for thousands of keywords. In using SEO or SMO, only a few dozen keywords can be targeted (see below).
Attain Top Rank in 3-4 months, and ROI in 1 year, via SEO
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is applied by us since 1997 on more then 200 websites. Using the latest SEO techniques (white hat only, obeying Google's Webmaster Guidelines) we can get a website in the top10 in Google in about 3-4 months, for a dozen of keywords.
The SEO work includes competitor, SWOT and keyword research, and requires several page content (and metatag coding) changes, as well as backlink requesting and anchor text optimization. Total effort involved for a small business website is about 1 month work, with 3-4 months re-ranking time by the search engines. ROI of a correctly set up SEO campaign is about 1 year.
Benefits of SEO are longterm, but scaling is small, as it only can involve a few dozen keyphrases. If you require top ranking for hundreds (or thousands) of keywords you need PPC.
Attain Long Term Branding, Reputation Management, via SMO
SMO (Social Media Optimization) is applied by us since 2009 on a dozen client websites. SMO is all about Online Reputation Management, Branding and customer feedback management. is a good example; they use "crowd sourcing" to get customer feedback for potential new product releases. Social "group buying" has also become popular fast.
For 2010/2011, we recommend using Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Youtube. Where LinkedIn is all about creating and maintaining company credibility, Facebook is more about a casual-style presentation, and Twitter about a "cocktail-talk" approach. YouTube is an excellent platform to show product or user manual releases.
Benefits of SMO are not so much lead & sales related, but more customer service and company perception related, showing one's brand, online service, and managing/protecting a company's online reputation.
Suggest of the website :
Next we optimize your Website Sales in less than 6 weeks.
Our Specialization: Website ROI Optimization.
Digital Marketing: how to achieve Website Sales fast....
From Branding to Personalization
The advertising standard for many years has been Branding; flooding consumers with ads on TV, Radio and in newspapers, magazines and movies. Over time, people got blind to those ads, and used (and still use) the TV commercial breaks to go to the toilet or get a beer. Newspaper and magazine ads are closer looked at, but are still bulk-marketed; with one ad fitting all.
Nowadays, TV, movie and magazine content is online; 24/7 available, "on demand", personalized and ubiquitous (at any place, also on the smartphone).
This presents tremendous opportunities for advertisers. Ads can be focussed now per user community, time of day, country, language, demographics, and, most important, location.
How to reach the ideal customer and get maximum advertising ROI
Global EMarketing Solutions uses 3 means to reach potential customers in an ad campaign. These 3 means can be used separately, but work best together, as they complement eachother in time; we call it the Digital Marketing Triad.
In the Digital Marketing Triad (see the logo at the top of the page), there are 3 timelines involved regarding website ranking and ROI:
Achieve Fast Sales in 2-6 weeks, and ROI in 3 months, via PPC.
The main PPC (Pay Per Click) platform used by most advertisers is Google Adwords. Google Adwords allows campaign targeting in any language, any country (even city), at any time-window per day, for any budget on, Google local, and many Google partner (Google Display Network) sites. Ads can be in textform, picture format, or video format. Campaigns can be set up in less then 2 weeks (allowing 1 week for competitor and keyword analysis). Ads can run on any specified top position in the google "sponsored links" section. ROI of correctly set up adwords campaigns can be as little as 3 months.
We created over 400 adwords campaigns for our customers, since 2003. We also created over 50 YSM (Yahoo Search Marketing), and a dozen of MSN Adcenter PPC campaigns. Greatest advantage of PPC is that a top ranking ad can be achieved for thousands of keywords. In using SEO or SMO, only a few dozen keywords can be targeted (see below).
Attain Top Rank in 3-4 months, and ROI in 1 year, via SEO
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is applied by us since 1997 on more then 200 websites. Using the latest SEO techniques (white hat only, obeying Google's Webmaster Guidelines) we can get a website in the top10 in Google in about 3-4 months, for a dozen of keywords.
The SEO work includes competitor, SWOT and keyword research, and requires several page content (and metatag coding) changes, as well as backlink requesting and anchor text optimization. Total effort involved for a small business website is about 1 month work, with 3-4 months re-ranking time by the search engines. ROI of a correctly set up SEO campaign is about 1 year.
Benefits of SEO are longterm, but scaling is small, as it only can involve a few dozen keyphrases. If you require top ranking for hundreds (or thousands) of keywords you need PPC.
Attain Long Term Branding, Reputation Management, via SMO
SMO (Social Media Optimization) is applied by us since 2009 on a dozen client websites. SMO is all about Online Reputation Management, Branding and customer feedback management. is a good example; they use "crowd sourcing" to get customer feedback for potential new product releases. Social "group buying" has also become popular fast.
For 2010/2011, we recommend using Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Youtube. Where LinkedIn is all about creating and maintaining company credibility, Facebook is more about a casual-style presentation, and Twitter about a "cocktail-talk" approach. YouTube is an excellent platform to show product or user manual releases.
Benefits of SMO are not so much lead & sales related, but more customer service and company perception related, showing one's brand, online service, and managing/protecting a company's online reputation.
Suggest of the website :
Senin, 18 Juli 2011
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Kamis, 14 Juli 2011
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Minggu, 10 Juli 2011
Cara Menghasilkan Uang dari Internet Lewat Blog
Info menghasilkan uang dari internet lewat blog - ptc yang terbukti membayar dan melalui affiliate program kesempatan mendapat penghasilan sampingan dari bisnis online bisa diraih tanpa modal.
Selamat datang di blog tutorial seputar uang internet. Berbagai informasi peluang menghasilkan uang lewat internet via ptc, affiliate program dan blogging akan diulas di sini. Internet yang tidak dibatasi ruang dan waktu dapat memberi Anda kesempatan yang luas termasuk dalam mencari uang.
Peluang usaha, pekerjaan sampingan atau kerja di rumah bisa Kamu temukan di antara koleksi artikel dalam blog ini. Dengan berbekal pengetahuan bisnis internet, raih kesempatan ini dengan banyak belajar. Ikuti update seputar peluang mendapat uang di internet bersama blog ini.
Uang Instant
Cara mendapat "uang instant" dan "mudah" dari internet.
Tidak perlu mendaftar, tidak perlu membayar alias gratis, click dan dapatkan uang Anda segera secara instant langsung ke rekening Anda saat ini juga. Instant, right here and right Now!
Baca Selebihnya..
Cari Duit Di Internet
Cari duit di internet selagi asyik chatting, surfing, browsing dan udah gitu gratis lagi....
Baca Selebihnya..
Menghasilkan Uang Dari Blog
Blogger atau blogspot layanan milik Google ini menyediakan free blog alias gratisan. Selain gratis dan sangat mudah membuatnya, Google juga mengajak para blogger untuk menghasilkan uang dari blog mereka melalui program Google Adsense.
Baca Selebihnya..
Traffic Exchange Untuk Menarik Banyak Pengunjung
Cara menarik banyak pengunjung dengan mudah sekaligus menghasilkan uang.
Menciptakan Blog atau website untuk menghasilkan uang dari internet, memiliki banyak pengunjung ( traffic ) menjadi suatu keharusan. Dengan memanfaatkan program traffic exchange, kita bisa mendapatkan arus pengunjung ke website / blog kita dengan mudah. Program ini bisa menjadi membantu kita di samping kita mengupayakan teknik SEO.
Baca Selebihnya..
Cari Duit Di Internet Lewat Clixsense
Mau tau penghasilan dollar dari hobi surfing internet? Lihat bukti cek yang saya terima. Penghasilan sampingan itu saya dapat hanya dengan duduk di depan komputer sambil asyik cari-cari informasi di internet.
Baca Selebihnya..
Clixsense program ptc yang benar-benar membayar
Saya senang jika akhirnya saya bisa menunjukan bahwa program paid to click ini benar-benar membayar dan semakin menguatkan bukti bahwa menghasilkan uang dari internet itu bisa dilakukan siapa saja dari mana saja - dengan mudah!
Baca Selebihnya..
Tukar Link
Ayo tukar link dengan cara menghasilkan uang dari internet lewat blog untuk mendapatkan indexing dan ranking yang lebih baik di SERP (Serach Engine Result Page). Konon kabarnya, tukar link atau istilah kerennya link exchange menjadi salah satu teknik seo (serach engine optimization) yang lumayan ampuh
Baca Selebihnya..
Recommended Link !!!
Selamat datang di blog tutorial seputar uang internet. Berbagai informasi peluang menghasilkan uang lewat internet via ptc, affiliate program dan blogging akan diulas di sini. Internet yang tidak dibatasi ruang dan waktu dapat memberi Anda kesempatan yang luas termasuk dalam mencari uang.
Peluang usaha, pekerjaan sampingan atau kerja di rumah bisa Kamu temukan di antara koleksi artikel dalam blog ini. Dengan berbekal pengetahuan bisnis internet, raih kesempatan ini dengan banyak belajar. Ikuti update seputar peluang mendapat uang di internet bersama blog ini.
Uang Instant
Cara mendapat "uang instant" dan "mudah" dari internet.
Tidak perlu mendaftar, tidak perlu membayar alias gratis, click dan dapatkan uang Anda segera secara instant langsung ke rekening Anda saat ini juga. Instant, right here and right Now!
Baca Selebihnya..
Cari Duit Di Internet
Cari duit di internet selagi asyik chatting, surfing, browsing dan udah gitu gratis lagi....
Baca Selebihnya..
Menghasilkan Uang Dari Blog
Blogger atau blogspot layanan milik Google ini menyediakan free blog alias gratisan. Selain gratis dan sangat mudah membuatnya, Google juga mengajak para blogger untuk menghasilkan uang dari blog mereka melalui program Google Adsense.
Baca Selebihnya..
Traffic Exchange Untuk Menarik Banyak Pengunjung
Cara menarik banyak pengunjung dengan mudah sekaligus menghasilkan uang.
Menciptakan Blog atau website untuk menghasilkan uang dari internet, memiliki banyak pengunjung ( traffic ) menjadi suatu keharusan. Dengan memanfaatkan program traffic exchange, kita bisa mendapatkan arus pengunjung ke website / blog kita dengan mudah. Program ini bisa menjadi membantu kita di samping kita mengupayakan teknik SEO.
Baca Selebihnya..
Cari Duit Di Internet Lewat Clixsense
Mau tau penghasilan dollar dari hobi surfing internet? Lihat bukti cek yang saya terima. Penghasilan sampingan itu saya dapat hanya dengan duduk di depan komputer sambil asyik cari-cari informasi di internet.
Baca Selebihnya..
Clixsense program ptc yang benar-benar membayar
Saya senang jika akhirnya saya bisa menunjukan bahwa program paid to click ini benar-benar membayar dan semakin menguatkan bukti bahwa menghasilkan uang dari internet itu bisa dilakukan siapa saja dari mana saja - dengan mudah!
Baca Selebihnya..
Tukar Link
Ayo tukar link dengan cara menghasilkan uang dari internet lewat blog untuk mendapatkan indexing dan ranking yang lebih baik di SERP (Serach Engine Result Page). Konon kabarnya, tukar link atau istilah kerennya link exchange menjadi salah satu teknik seo (serach engine optimization) yang lumayan ampuh
Baca Selebihnya..
Recommended Link !!!
Hello, You may be interested to know that out of all the ways to start earning quickly online, having a well done review site is one of the best ones. Normally, it takes A LOT of work to get a review site going. You have to find a good host, write the title, the text, find good products to review, design the graphics, test it, come up with a marketing plan, keywords, set up a follow up email list, and much much more. For most people, this is too much work and 99% of them just won't do it. They'll go back to their jobs or their normal traditional businesses and forever be doomed to not share in the incredible wealth and freedom from their own successful internet business. That is, UNTIL NOW. As an initial launch promotion, we are making available to a few people their own Affiliate Review Site, completely set up to generate income IMMEDIATELY. And you don't have to do anything except follow some simple instructions. To access the promotion, see :
Not a Member Yet ?
Earn Up to $450 Per Sale with Free Site Signup
Free Site Signup is the #1 site that teaches you to earn money online. With our money-making package (only $8.95 to start) you get 35 money-making sites, and complete training to earn up to $400 per sale with them!
If Your Aren't Earning $2,000 - $10,000 in extra cash online, you should signup right now! Click the banner below to get your money-making package:
Free Site Signup is the #1 site that teaches you to earn money online. With our money-making package (only $8.95 to start) you get 35 money-making sites, and complete training to earn up to $400 per sale with them!
If Your Aren't Earning $2,000 - $10,000 in extra cash online, you should signup right now! Click the banner below to get your money-making package:
The Right Mindset for Affiliate Marketing
Today I want to talk about the right mindset for getting into affiliate marketing. I think this is the biggest obstacle to overcome for becoming successful in affiliate marketing and anything else challenging in life. I’ve seen lots of people talk about this, but they only seem to ever talk about one aspect of it, and honestly? There are three things you need to do mentally to become ready for affiliate marketing.
If you think you are ready to start a career in Affiliate Marketing, sign up today with FreeSiteSignup :
You get 35 money-making websites, that are ready to start earning you affiliate income; tested keywords that convert; 8 sites, ready-made to maximize your ad revenue earnings; complete email campaigns you can set up and automate, as well as a complete hosting package AND phone, chat and email support. You can try it in out for one month for just $8.95
The Complete List, All In One Place
Here’s something I know is going to be really useful to anyone that is trying to expand their affiliate marketing business.
Once you have figured out the key to marketing something, the right target, the right message, the right place, you might wonder how you can start to scale it up. Well you can expand your target market and see if that works, OR you can try giving your same audience, which you already know is already buying, a different offer. This is probably one of the best ways to increase profits. Think about it, you know these people are buyers, you know what their interests are, AND you already know how to best reach them. The only thing missing is: what are you going to sell next?
Well there are lots and LOTS of affiliate networks out there, with offers for every product under the sun. So if you have already gotten a handle on, for example, a good weight-loss niche, there is an affiliate network FULL of weight-loss products you can sell for commissions. No matter what the area is, there are lots of products out there to sell. And today what I have for you is a complete list of ALL the affiliate networks out there.
Right at the very core, FreeSiteSignup is a training program to get you started in affiliate marketing. And one issue I’ve seen is that some affiliates look at the 35 money making pages, and don’t see something they can relate to, and to write articles and blog posts on a topic you know nothing about and have no interest in is TOUGH, and you might end up throwing in the towel too soon.
Well the beauty of our training is that it can be used to market ANYTHING. You just need to know where to get the offers. If you want to sell guitar lessons, you can. If you want to sell exercise programs, you can. Heck if you want to sell an instructional guide to stamp collecting, YOU CAN! You just need the right offer.
There’s more: Lots and I mean LOTS of affiliates make their money with simple email gathering sites. There are big companies out there that pay good money for people to sign up for their email list. Or for an address, or even for a zip code! You just need to find the right offer.
Well that’s what I have for you today, click on this link and you can get a list of EVERY affiliate (CPA) network there is! If you have an interest in it, and want to market it, you’ll find it here.
Now you can market what YOU have an interest in, and that makes the actual WORK of marketing much more enjoyable. Of course it is better if you choose something that OTHER people would be interested too, so I would recommend against trying to market books on how to shave monkeys, or home taxidermy, but almost anything else will work!
So get this and start marketing what you love. AND start loving your marketing!
And if you are just starting to get interested in affiliate marketing, and want to learn how its done, as well as what are some of the niches that have been profitable for a long time, then sign up today for FreeSiteSignup.
You also get 35 money-making websites ready to start earning you affiliate income, tested keywords that convert, 8 sites ready-made to maximize your ad revenue earnings, complete email campaigns you can set up and automate, as well as a complete hosting package AND phone, chat and email support. You can try it all out for one month for just $8.95
Getting Started With Email Marketing
Today, we are back with a brand new video for all of you. Today we are talking about one of the oldest and most effective methods of online marketing there is: Email Marketing. There are people out there that do ALL their affiliate marketing through email and make a comfortable living from it. The problem is there are also a lot of people out there that don’t know how to properly make use of email marketing and end up actually driving away potential customers.
In this video I am going to show you how to market effectively through email. I’m going to give you some very clear ideas of what DOES and DOESN’T work for email marketing, and finally I am going to show you some examples of our own efforts so you can see some of the different options you have for email marketing.
One thing you should know before you start is that for proper email marketing, you will need some type of email marketing system called an autoresponder. We use, and also recommend, Aweber. Although there are other options available that will allow you to do similar things, we’ve just found that Aweber is the easiest to work with.
The last thing I want to mention is that this is just the start of a new training block that will be going up in our members section, starting this week, so if you are looking for more training on such topics as how to BUILD an email list, or if you want access to our ready-made marketing emails in a variety of niches (different markets), you can sign up in our members area here.
You also get complete video training in a variety of areas including 3 complete training paths that include affiliate marketing, making money off of ad revenue, and even how to build up a constant source of passive income.
Don't forget to sign-up in
If you think you are ready to start a career in Affiliate Marketing, sign up today with FreeSiteSignup :
You get 35 money-making websites, that are ready to start earning you affiliate income; tested keywords that convert; 8 sites, ready-made to maximize your ad revenue earnings; complete email campaigns you can set up and automate, as well as a complete hosting package AND phone, chat and email support. You can try it in out for one month for just $8.95
The Complete List, All In One Place
Here’s something I know is going to be really useful to anyone that is trying to expand their affiliate marketing business.
Once you have figured out the key to marketing something, the right target, the right message, the right place, you might wonder how you can start to scale it up. Well you can expand your target market and see if that works, OR you can try giving your same audience, which you already know is already buying, a different offer. This is probably one of the best ways to increase profits. Think about it, you know these people are buyers, you know what their interests are, AND you already know how to best reach them. The only thing missing is: what are you going to sell next?
Well there are lots and LOTS of affiliate networks out there, with offers for every product under the sun. So if you have already gotten a handle on, for example, a good weight-loss niche, there is an affiliate network FULL of weight-loss products you can sell for commissions. No matter what the area is, there are lots of products out there to sell. And today what I have for you is a complete list of ALL the affiliate networks out there.
Right at the very core, FreeSiteSignup is a training program to get you started in affiliate marketing. And one issue I’ve seen is that some affiliates look at the 35 money making pages, and don’t see something they can relate to, and to write articles and blog posts on a topic you know nothing about and have no interest in is TOUGH, and you might end up throwing in the towel too soon.
Well the beauty of our training is that it can be used to market ANYTHING. You just need to know where to get the offers. If you want to sell guitar lessons, you can. If you want to sell exercise programs, you can. Heck if you want to sell an instructional guide to stamp collecting, YOU CAN! You just need the right offer.
There’s more: Lots and I mean LOTS of affiliates make their money with simple email gathering sites. There are big companies out there that pay good money for people to sign up for their email list. Or for an address, or even for a zip code! You just need to find the right offer.
Well that’s what I have for you today, click on this link and you can get a list of EVERY affiliate (CPA) network there is! If you have an interest in it, and want to market it, you’ll find it here.
Now you can market what YOU have an interest in, and that makes the actual WORK of marketing much more enjoyable. Of course it is better if you choose something that OTHER people would be interested too, so I would recommend against trying to market books on how to shave monkeys, or home taxidermy, but almost anything else will work!
So get this and start marketing what you love. AND start loving your marketing!
And if you are just starting to get interested in affiliate marketing, and want to learn how its done, as well as what are some of the niches that have been profitable for a long time, then sign up today for FreeSiteSignup.
You also get 35 money-making websites ready to start earning you affiliate income, tested keywords that convert, 8 sites ready-made to maximize your ad revenue earnings, complete email campaigns you can set up and automate, as well as a complete hosting package AND phone, chat and email support. You can try it all out for one month for just $8.95
Getting Started With Email Marketing
Today, we are back with a brand new video for all of you. Today we are talking about one of the oldest and most effective methods of online marketing there is: Email Marketing. There are people out there that do ALL their affiliate marketing through email and make a comfortable living from it. The problem is there are also a lot of people out there that don’t know how to properly make use of email marketing and end up actually driving away potential customers.
In this video I am going to show you how to market effectively through email. I’m going to give you some very clear ideas of what DOES and DOESN’T work for email marketing, and finally I am going to show you some examples of our own efforts so you can see some of the different options you have for email marketing.
One thing you should know before you start is that for proper email marketing, you will need some type of email marketing system called an autoresponder. We use, and also recommend, Aweber. Although there are other options available that will allow you to do similar things, we’ve just found that Aweber is the easiest to work with.
The last thing I want to mention is that this is just the start of a new training block that will be going up in our members section, starting this week, so if you are looking for more training on such topics as how to BUILD an email list, or if you want access to our ready-made marketing emails in a variety of niches (different markets), you can sign up in our members area here.
You also get complete video training in a variety of areas including 3 complete training paths that include affiliate marketing, making money off of ad revenue, and even how to build up a constant source of passive income.
Don't forget to sign-up in
Jumat, 08 Juli 2011
Salah satu yang paling terkenal dan populer jaringan iklan di internet, Google AdSense menawarkan para pengguna cara untuk menguangkan situs mereka melalui link iklan baik dan fitur pencarian Google. Menarik utamanya adalah bahwa iklan menawarkan ditargetkan agar sesuai dengan konten halaman yang muncul dan mereka istilah pencarian yang dimasukkan ke dalam kolom pencarian.
Ini berarti bahwa ini akan menampilkan iklan yang lebih relevan dengan konten situs yang mereka diposting, dan karenanya lebih cenderung diklik oleh pengunjung situs tersebut. Ini adalah inovasi utama dalam iklan dan masih jarang terjadi di antara jaringan iklan, dan telah terbukti jauh lebih efektif dalam menghasilkan uang untuk pemilik situs dari iklan bertarget.
Selain itu, AdSense menyediakan berbagai cara untuk menyesuaikan iklan baik 'penampilan dan cara di mana nilai mereka dilaporkan, membuatnya menjadi sangat komprehensif dan mudah penyedia iklan yang relevan.
1. Iklan teks
2. Kotak Pencarian monetisasi
3. Secara otomatis menyesuaikan iklan suite situs Anda
4. Banner
Menerima pembayaran dari jaringan ini cukup sederhana. AdSense menawarkan baik TDE dan mengirimkan cek dalam ditentukan pengguna mata uang lokal. Ketika pemilik situs pendapatan iklan mencapai $ 100 atau lebih, pembayaran akan diberikan kepada pemilik bahwa dalam waktu 30 hari pada akhir bulan itu. Jika pendapatan tidak mencapai $ 100, saldo account berguling ke bulan berikutnya dan tidak berakhir.
Meskipun Google belum mengungkapkan jumlahnya yang pasti atau berbagi bahwa penerbit mendapatkan, tetapi menurut The New York Times, bagaimanapun, dihitung dari Google laporan keuangan yang dipublikasikan mitra AdSense menerima 78.5% dari keuntungan bahwa Google membuat dari ruang iklan mereka.
Well its a kabar baik bagi penerbit di sana.
AdSense adalah sangat user friendly jaringan iklan yang sederhana untuk membuat dan menjalankan bahkan untuk pemilik situs baru. Iklan bertarget yang membuatnya lebih mungkin bahwa iklan diposting akan menarik bagi pemirsa situs, dan fitur pencarian Google memungkinkan pemilik situs untuk menjaga penonton di situs mereka lebih lama dan juga memungkinkan mereka untuk menerima penghasilan untuk klik pencarian.
Laporan Adsense disesuaikan sehingga pengguna dapat melihat dan memaksimalkan keuntungan mereka, dan menerima pembayaran dari AdSense adalah sederhana bagi kebanyakan orang dengan sebuah rekening bank besar.
Secara keseluruhan, tampaknya AdSense yang sangat sederhana dan fleksibel jaringan periklanan.
Jika ingin daftar, silahkan klik di sini ya....
Jangan lupa untuk mengunjungi ini juga ya....
Ini berarti bahwa ini akan menampilkan iklan yang lebih relevan dengan konten situs yang mereka diposting, dan karenanya lebih cenderung diklik oleh pengunjung situs tersebut. Ini adalah inovasi utama dalam iklan dan masih jarang terjadi di antara jaringan iklan, dan telah terbukti jauh lebih efektif dalam menghasilkan uang untuk pemilik situs dari iklan bertarget.
Selain itu, AdSense menyediakan berbagai cara untuk menyesuaikan iklan baik 'penampilan dan cara di mana nilai mereka dilaporkan, membuatnya menjadi sangat komprehensif dan mudah penyedia iklan yang relevan.
1. Iklan teks
2. Kotak Pencarian monetisasi
3. Secara otomatis menyesuaikan iklan suite situs Anda
4. Banner
Menerima pembayaran dari jaringan ini cukup sederhana. AdSense menawarkan baik TDE dan mengirimkan cek dalam ditentukan pengguna mata uang lokal. Ketika pemilik situs pendapatan iklan mencapai $ 100 atau lebih, pembayaran akan diberikan kepada pemilik bahwa dalam waktu 30 hari pada akhir bulan itu. Jika pendapatan tidak mencapai $ 100, saldo account berguling ke bulan berikutnya dan tidak berakhir.
Meskipun Google belum mengungkapkan jumlahnya yang pasti atau berbagi bahwa penerbit mendapatkan, tetapi menurut The New York Times, bagaimanapun, dihitung dari Google laporan keuangan yang dipublikasikan mitra AdSense menerima 78.5% dari keuntungan bahwa Google membuat dari ruang iklan mereka.
Well its a kabar baik bagi penerbit di sana.
AdSense adalah sangat user friendly jaringan iklan yang sederhana untuk membuat dan menjalankan bahkan untuk pemilik situs baru. Iklan bertarget yang membuatnya lebih mungkin bahwa iklan diposting akan menarik bagi pemirsa situs, dan fitur pencarian Google memungkinkan pemilik situs untuk menjaga penonton di situs mereka lebih lama dan juga memungkinkan mereka untuk menerima penghasilan untuk klik pencarian.
Laporan Adsense disesuaikan sehingga pengguna dapat melihat dan memaksimalkan keuntungan mereka, dan menerima pembayaran dari AdSense adalah sederhana bagi kebanyakan orang dengan sebuah rekening bank besar.
Secara keseluruhan, tampaknya AdSense yang sangat sederhana dan fleksibel jaringan periklanan.
Jika ingin daftar, silahkan klik di sini ya....
Jangan lupa untuk mengunjungi ini juga ya....
Adsense Camp - PPC dari Indonesia
Adsensecamp merupakan situs yang memberikan kesempatan bagi anda untuk memperoleh penghasilan tambahan dengan menyediakan ruang pada situs anda sebagai tempat pemasangan iklan bagi pemasang iklan. Situs ini sejenis dengan google adsense, hanya saja situs ini milik Indonesia. Adsense lokal ini sudah memiliki reputasi yang baik di mata para blogger.
Selain itu AdsenseCamp memberikan sistem Referral bagi Web Owners. Web owners yang bisa merekomendasikan temannya untuk bergabung di dan teman tersebut memperoleh klik atas iklan yang tampil di websitenya, maka setiap klik yang diperoleh oleh teman anda, Anda akan mendapatkan Rp. 25,- (dua puluh lima rupiah).
PembayaranWeb Owners akan menerima pembayaran dari AdsenseCamp setiap tanggal 5 pada tiap bulannya. pembayaran akan di transfer ke rekening Anda terhadap account yang telah memiliki pendapatan minimal Rp 10.000.
Pembayaran atas pendapatan Anda dapat menggunakan rekening Bank BCA, BNI, Mandiri, maupun Paypal. Proses pembayaran berlangsung 1-2 hari.
Anda dapat melihat informasi lebih lengkapnya lewat banner dibawah ini: (setelah bergabung tentunya).
Di :
or :
Selain itu AdsenseCamp memberikan sistem Referral bagi Web Owners. Web owners yang bisa merekomendasikan temannya untuk bergabung di dan teman tersebut memperoleh klik atas iklan yang tampil di websitenya, maka setiap klik yang diperoleh oleh teman anda, Anda akan mendapatkan Rp. 25,- (dua puluh lima rupiah).
PembayaranWeb Owners akan menerima pembayaran dari AdsenseCamp setiap tanggal 5 pada tiap bulannya. pembayaran akan di transfer ke rekening Anda terhadap account yang telah memiliki pendapatan minimal Rp 10.000.
Pembayaran atas pendapatan Anda dapat menggunakan rekening Bank BCA, BNI, Mandiri, maupun Paypal. Proses pembayaran berlangsung 1-2 hari.
Anda dapat melihat informasi lebih lengkapnya lewat banner dibawah ini: (setelah bergabung tentunya).
Di :
or :
Kumpul Blogger-PPC Dari Indonesia adalah situs PPC yang mengumpulkan blogger-blogger pencari uang di Internet. Berbeda dengan, pengaturan iklan di KumpulBlogger boleh di bilang lebih sederhana. Minimum payout komisinya juga jauh lebih rendah, yakni hanya Rp 10.000, dan dapat dibayarkan melalui bank apa saja yang anda punya. Kelebihan lainnya adalah nilai komisi yang diberikan KumpulBlogger juga jauh lebih besar, yakni Rp 300/klik untuk iklan teks link dan Rp 625/klik untuk iklan mini banner. Selain iklan teks link, KumpulBlogger juga menyediakan iklan banner mini berbentuk kotak persegi.
Silahkan dicoba saja..........tidak ada salahnya kan !!!
Di :
Silahkan dicoba saja..........tidak ada salahnya kan !!!
Di :
10 Program PPC Terbaik Dunia
Ini Dia 10 Alamat Bisnis PPC terbaik
1 .
2 .
3 .
4 .
5 .
6 .
7 .
8 . www.azoogleads
9 .
Selamat Mencoba
Salam sukses yaaa..........
1 .
2 .
3 .
4 .
5 .
6 .
7 .
8 . www.azoogleads
9 .
Selamat Mencoba
Salam sukses yaaa..........
Kamis, 07 Juli 2011
Launch Swipe Version 3
If you haven't seen Dan Brock's Deadbeat
Millionaire software yet…
==> [LINK]
… you need to check it out now.
Because this may just be the ONLY
way I've seen to generate "push-button"
money online…
… that actually WORKS!
Listen: Dan's the most "laid-back"
marketer I know -- and yet he's also
one of the most successful (I'm talking
He's finally opening up about the
"secret weapon" tool that lets him
work less than ever… and *earn*
more than ever before.
Don't miss this video -- click
here to see the PROOF right
==> [LINK]
Millionaire software yet…
==> [LINK]
… you need to check it out now.
Because this may just be the ONLY
way I've seen to generate "push-button"
money online…
… that actually WORKS!
Listen: Dan's the most "laid-back"
marketer I know -- and yet he's also
one of the most successful (I'm talking
He's finally opening up about the
"secret weapon" tool that lets him
work less than ever… and *earn*
more than ever before.
Don't miss this video -- click
here to see the PROOF right
==> [LINK]
Launch Swipe Version 2
SUBJECT1: Who wants to be a Deadbeat Millionaire? [video]
SUBJECT 2: You… a Deadbeat Millionaire??
Get lost, Regis Philbin -- this question's going
to be EASY:
Would you like to be a "Deadbeat Millionaire"?
You would?
Good -- because there's ONE
person I know who fits that description to a
… and he's agreed to take time off from his
afternoon nap to show you EXACTLY how
he generates a "lazy" $25,556 every month
working (if you can call it that) in his bathrobe.
Excuse the droopy socks -- this video's
MUST-SEE TV if you're at all interested in
this kind of automatic passive income
showing up at your doorstep.
Watch it now and see what this is all about
before Dan gets tired and pulls it down:
You better hurry.
SUBJECT 2: You… a Deadbeat Millionaire??
Get lost, Regis Philbin -- this question's going
to be EASY:
Would you like to be a "Deadbeat Millionaire"?
You would?
Good -- because there's ONE
person I know who fits that description to a
… and he's agreed to take time off from his
afternoon nap to show you EXACTLY how
he generates a "lazy" $25,556 every month
working (if you can call it that) in his bathrobe.
Excuse the droopy socks -- this video's
MUST-SEE TV if you're at all interested in
this kind of automatic passive income
showing up at your doorstep.
Watch it now and see what this is all about
before Dan gets tired and pulls it down:
You better hurry.
Queue These High Converting Email Swipe Files Up Today
Launch Swipe Version 1
SUBJECT 1: *More* commissions the *less* work you do??
SUBJECT 2: "Deadbeat" software makes $25,556/month? [video]
If anybody was going to come up with
a way to make "push-button" money
online, it was going to be Dan Brock...
==> [LINK]
Why? Because his unique "twist" for
pulling down $25,556/month or more
was ALREADY so… well… LAZY…
… that adding SOFTWARE to the mix
makes this so simple, it's almost unfair.
(You won't complain, though -- because
it's only unfair to anybody who *doesn't*
get in on this now, before Dan starts
charging what it's really worth).
You've GOT to check this out now --
this could easily be the "game changer"
you've been waiting for:
==> [LINK]
Talk to you soon,
SUBJECT 1: *More* commissions the *less* work you do??
SUBJECT 2: "Deadbeat" software makes $25,556/month? [video]
If anybody was going to come up with
a way to make "push-button" money
online, it was going to be Dan Brock...
==> [LINK]
Why? Because his unique "twist" for
pulling down $25,556/month or more
was ALREADY so… well… LAZY…
… that adding SOFTWARE to the mix
makes this so simple, it's almost unfair.
(You won't complain, though -- because
it's only unfair to anybody who *doesn't*
get in on this now, before Dan starts
charging what it's really worth).
You've GOT to check this out now --
this could easily be the "game changer"
you've been waiting for:
==> [LINK]
Talk to you soon,
Rabu, 06 Juli 2011
Deadbeat Millionaire Affiliate Tools
If you haven't heard of Dan Brock's latest money making software, listen careful right now. Dan's well known for completely overdelivering in his products, and his new automated "Deadbeat Millionaire" software is no exception.
Back in November 2010, Dan's Deadbeat Super Affiliate training changed the affiliate marketing industry for good, and now he's decided to take it to the next level. His Deadbeat Millionaire software is a completely done-for-you automation software not only automates the process of setting up the same kind of high converting websites that make him over $25,556/m, it also helps automatically drive buying traffic straight to your affiliate websites.
One aspect of it that I really like is not only automates the process, but that he even gives you his own personal websites that earn money for him on a daily basis. You can use them for yourself to make money, and you can also learn a lot about creating successful affiliate sites by dissecting what he did to create them.
Here's where it gets really cool:
He picks specific niches and shows you exactly how he'd go about promoting them. He even provides you with indepth affiliate intellegence about each niche so you know exactly how to promote it - Not only which keywords to go after, but where to get multiple sources of traffic, where to find back links, and pre-written articles based around the niche so all the work is done for you.
But it doesn't stop there...
For free, every single month, he continues to provide you with more niche training and done for you websites as he discovers new niches to make money in. This is such a great feature because it makes it easy for you to stay on the pulse of the industry.
You can check out Dan Brock's Deadbeat Millionaire software here.
Back in November 2010, Dan's Deadbeat Super Affiliate training changed the affiliate marketing industry for good, and now he's decided to take it to the next level. His Deadbeat Millionaire software is a completely done-for-you automation software not only automates the process of setting up the same kind of high converting websites that make him over $25,556/m, it also helps automatically drive buying traffic straight to your affiliate websites.
One aspect of it that I really like is not only automates the process, but that he even gives you his own personal websites that earn money for him on a daily basis. You can use them for yourself to make money, and you can also learn a lot about creating successful affiliate sites by dissecting what he did to create them.
Here's where it gets really cool:
He picks specific niches and shows you exactly how he'd go about promoting them. He even provides you with indepth affiliate intellegence about each niche so you know exactly how to promote it - Not only which keywords to go after, but where to get multiple sources of traffic, where to find back links, and pre-written articles based around the niche so all the work is done for you.
But it doesn't stop there...
For free, every single month, he continues to provide you with more niche training and done for you websites as he discovers new niches to make money in. This is such a great feature because it makes it easy for you to stay on the pulse of the industry.
You can check out Dan Brock's Deadbeat Millionaire software here.
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Based on my experience the best place and best get paid for blogging is by joining Sponsored Reviews.Join Sponsored Reviews is free.But your blog must follow the basic requirement before get approved by Sponsor Reviews.
The requirement is :
Contain at least 10 non-paid blog post with 200 words of unique content.
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Blog in English
Have traffic
Not overprice
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